Why did you become an aid worker?

“To make the conditions present for a life of human dignity for all.” -36-40yo female expat aid worker,  white “It comes down to this: there is serious injustice in the world, and that makes me really fucking angry.” -18-25yo female expat aid worker, non-white I think it’s a mixture of accident, the lure of adventure, and (self)righteous indignation over how messed up the world is combined with an (arrogant) sense that maybe I could make things suck slightly less. -31-35yo female expat aid worker, white   Why did you become an aid worker? An overview Our personal lives seldom unfold in a linear, logical, preplanned fashion.  We rarely know exactly what external forces will push or pull us in various directions.  Even the assumption that we are sole masters of our fate, unfettered by cultural currents and eddies, can be called into question. Perhaps anthropologist Miles Richardson said it best … Continue reading Why did you become an aid worker?